Home Gaming Discover 15 curiosities about Super Mario 64 that you should know

Discover 15 curiosities about Super Mario 64 that you should know

Discover 15 curiosities about Super Mario 64 that you should know

Super Mario 64 meant the jump to the 3D dimension for the plumber, and would mark a before and after in the history of video games. Its impact on the platform genre It continues to be relevant today, and it would not be unreasonable to say that it laid the foundations for how to make a platformer in the third dimension. It continues to be on everyone’s lips, both for its active speedrun community and for all the nostalgics who remember better times by revisiting their favorite video game.

Of course, with a great legacy, there are many anecdotes, legends and secrets that have been formed and discovering over the years. Super Mario 64 has a good handful of curiosities up its sleeve, what do you think if we visit some of them?

Facts about Super Mario 64

Discover 15 curiosities about Super Mario 64 that you should know

  • Let’s start with a strong one: Luigi’s existence in Super Mario 64. Since its launch, thousands of rumors have surfaced online related to be able to unlock Luigi, each one more convoluted than the previous one. Even in the schoolyards themselves, possibilities of playing as the green plumber were whispered from ear to ear, in the purest Mew style under the truck.
  • However, it would not be until 2020 that the legend would be confirmed reality: the existence of a Luigi’s model planned to be playable in the game, and could have been used in its theoretical multiplayer mode. Shigeru Miyamoto had already shared this information in the past, but it was not until this leak that its veracity was fully confirmed.

Discover 15 curiosities about Super Mario 64 that you should know

  • The skybox -or background- of the Wet Dry World (Sponge City) originally thought to have been taken from the same Casares, in Spain, due to their great similarity. However, it was recently discovered that the city featured in the game fits almost perfectly with Shibam, located in Yemen.
  • In other leaks, it was revealed that our old friend Yoshi and the mythical enemy Roco they could have been conceived differently in the final version of the title. You can see all about it here, including its beta models.

Discover 15 curiosities about Super Mario 64 that you should know

  • The smoke effect that Mario emits when he burns It doesn’t really look like it was planned during development. Apparently, an error in a single line of code that went unnoticed caused it to look different, and it wasn’t until 24 years later that a hacker noticed this discrepancy and showed us how it really should look.
  • In battles against Bowser, we must grab the king by the tail and launch him against one of his own bombs on the stage to defeat him. However, most players they were not able to deduce what Mario said when throwing Bowser. It would not be until 2019 that charles martinetvoice of Mario and company, would reveal to us through a tweet that the voice clip said «So long, kinga Bowser!».

Discover 15 curiosities about Super Mario 64 that you should know

  • A curious reference to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time It went unnoticed for many years. In one of the pictures on the upper floors, the stars are placed in the same way as the notes of the song of storms. In fact, both video games were developed during the same period, so this curious Easter egg was possibly placed on purpose.
  • Shigeru Miyamoto’s own son tested the game as a beta tester. However, he was unable to climb the hill to the first level, making Miyamoto himself doubt his son’s intelligence. On a more positive side, the test was a success and the boy was eager to continue playing.

  • There is a official game guide, released in 1996 and filled with never-before-seen illustrations and advice from Shigeru Miyamoto himself. Although Nintendo removed the guide files shortly after it came to light.
  • The The plumber’s walk in Super Mario 64 is inspired by Aralethe famous character belonging to a series of the same name and conceived by Akira Toriyama.

  • There is a detail that has gone unnoticed by many users, and that is that apparently Not even Bowser himself was aware that there were a total of 120 stars.s scattered around the castle. This is discovered through his dialogue at the end of the game, where he curses his henchmen for not being informed about it.
  • Entering fully into the speedrunning community, it is entirely possible to perform the feat of finishing the game in mere minutes and without a single star. In fact, there is a category completely focused on this idea, where users are still competing for the best time.

  • Exists a forgotten coin by the developers in one of the levels, which was not accessible until several years later. However, use of external tools had to be made, so it seems to be a feat not possible for human abilities.

And with this, we would have reviewed some of the curiosities and best kept secrets of Super Mario 64. With all the years and popularity that this installment has had on its back, it is not surprising that new news continues to be discovered and old rumors about it are confirmed. What is your favorite curiosity from the list? We read you in the comments!


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