Home Gaming Revealed the internal names of blue Yoshi and more Super Mario characters

Revealed the internal names of blue Yoshi and more Super Mario characters

Revealed the internal names of blue Yoshi and more Super Mario characters

The fans of Super Mario they often discover interesting details about the franchise through social media. Today we get a really curious new one.

Super Mario

This has been shared by the Twitter account of Super Mario Broth. In the tweet, they specify some internal Nintendo names that the company uses in the development of video games.

The information comes from Miitopia. The dataminers of the game have found this information:

  • The colors of some Yoshis and Toads have different internal names than their usual names.
  • Light Blue Yoshi is internally called Sky Blue Yoshi, Blue Yoshi is internally called Vivid Azure Yoshi, and Purple Toad is internally called Fuchsia Toad. In Spanish they are called Yoshi celeste, Yoshi blue and Toad purple.
  • You can see it below:

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  • Super Mario


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