Home Gaming The 15 Worst Nintendo 64 Games That Will Give You Nightmares

The 15 Worst Nintendo 64 Games That Will Give You Nightmares

The 15 Worst Nintendo 64 Games That Will Give You Nightmares

Not even a system like the Nintendo 64, one of the thirstiest for Big N titles, is free from some of the worst games in the industry. In fact, in it was born what many consider the worst video game in the history of the medium. For this reason, talking about the most disastrous launches of this system implies that, at a minimum, we see in the list a certain experience starring red cape superhero.

However, there are other similar examples within the catalog that, in turn, also stand out for the worse. On the one hand, you will see proposals starring well-known characters who, in the end, did not comply in any aspect; on the other hand, this list will also be filled with ideas that, far from fulfilling expectations, starred in the worst nightmares of system users. And, in between, endless daunting proposals that had little or nothing to hook players.

Without further ado, these are the 15 worst Nintendo 64 games in our opinion. And, as if it were a game, we invite you to try your luck and check how many you can guess before diving fully into the list. Surely, at the end of it, more than one title present in the selection will have managed to surprise you.

The 15 worst games in the entire Nintendo 64 catalog

Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue (Mass Media)

This title is, in its own right, one of the most insufferable on Nintendo’s third home system. In it, we take control of the well-known Power Rangers to save the world. However, the developers forgot to include things like fun in exploration, combat or driving. For this reason, the game passed without pain or glory through the markets of any corner of the planet.

Blues Brothers 2000 (Player 1)

If one had to choose an example of how to make a maladjustment, Blues Brothers 2000 he would be one of the “winners” of that honor. In this game, the soundtrack of the movies, the most important element of them, is conspicuous by its absence. In addition, to this we must add the constant repetition of its levels, the poor scenarios and endless horrifying elements that made this one of the worst Nintendo 64 games.

Superman 64 (Titus Interactive)

There are two ways to make history: become one of the best games on your system or, on the contrary, star in a story so resounding that it goes down in the annals of history. The DC hero, perhaps the most successful superhero of all time, did it the second way. Why? If at this point you are wondering, it is most likely that you have lived away from the Dantesque Superman 64 all your life. For this reason, as it is popularly said: “for example, a button”.

Fuente: World of Longplays

Rally Challenge 2000 (Europress)

With driving titles there are two options. On the one hand, they can be the perfect example of how to make the most of the system’s capabilities; for another, the result can be Rally Challenge 2000, a proposal that, although it is not one of the worst on this list, does lack sufficient level to escape the sieve. Guilty? A gameplay as boring as it is repetitive that soon tires the user.

ClayFighter 63 1/3 (Interplay Entertainment)

ClayFighter It was quite a particular fighting license. Unlike other very successful ones like Street Fighter o Mortal Kombat, ClayFighter It was always lagging behind for its peculiar proposal: cheer the wrestlers like they were clay. For this reason, after the two installments of SNES, which we must admit had their charm, the jump to Nintendo 64 did not sit well with them. And so, with a disastrous delivery, the franchise ended up disappearing forever.

Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (Kemco)

Another DC superhero who stars one of the most notorious failures of Nintendo 64. And, given the result, it is not for less. In this proposal from Kemco, users will be able to attend all the failed bets that are hidden behind a horrible adaptation of a much-loved character. In fact, such is the bad result of the game that not even the presence of the Joker, one of the most iconic villains in history, could save him from disaster.

Fuente: World of Longplays

Daikatana (Kemco)

from the school of Doom came to us directly My staffan apparent “advantaged student” who, in the end, drew more attention for its poor results than for its virtues. So this shooter in first person went from being a promising experience to a failed bet full of errors: drops in the rate of images per second, bad framing of weapons in the image, dantesque use of the first person view and much more.

Bass Masters 2000 (Mass Media Games)

Bass Masters 2000 might, depending on who you ask, not deserve a spot on this list. However, his approach is so concrete that, in the end, the fishing game has stood out for being an experience as bland as it is boring. In it, the main premise will be fishing. Yes, nothing beyond that. And if you also add a poor graphic section and a scarce musical aspect to that, the result is a forgettable experience that, unfortunately, is part of this list.

Hey You, Pikachu! (Ambrella)

Today, thinking of a game whose main premise is talking to Pikachu is not strange to us. Nevertheless, you have to see —and analyze— this title from the perspective of the late 90s. There, unfortunately, things change. Beyond the interaction with the Pokémon through voice recognition, a proposal had little to offer that, in the end, left a bittersweet feeling in those who managed to complete it.

Source: Japancommercials4U2

Rugrats in Paris: The Movie (Avalanche Software)

A movie adaptation of a cartoon series. Whoever thought — in the midst of a fever of horrendous adaptations — that this was a good idea, is sure to be pulling their hair out today. However, the title saw the light and, although the fans of the franchise came to “like” (understand the quotes), the truth is that is one of the games with the poorest gameplay on Nintendo 64. However, given that its creator is immersed in the development of Hogwarts Legacyit seems that his fate was not so bad.

Cruis’n Exotica (Gratuitous Games)

There was a time when the franchise Cruis’n It was one of the most celebrated in the industry. Thanks to the quality of some of its deliveries and its arcade aspect, a case similar to that of F-Zero, the license managed to make a name for itself and gain a certain reputation among users. Nevertheless, Exotica shot said overland tour with a racing proposal that displeased both critics and players.

Carmageddon 64 (Stainless Games)

To this day, many wonder how Nintendo could agree to have this game in its catalog. In fact, its premise is far from the company’s current values, more focused on the inclusion of all types of players and that they do not feel violated. However, you have to understand that, in the years of Nintendo 64, the mentality was very different. And, for this reason, a title in which the important thing was to run over pedestrians took over the shelves of all shops.

Fuente: Longplay Archive

Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage (H2O Interactive)

Although it could be best of the worst nintendo 64 gamesall the potential that was wasted with Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage deserves a spot on this list. For many, this is one of the most beloved titles in the system’s catalog. However, without judging through the glasses of nostalgia, the reality is that it is a poor game that falls into the classic “I want and I can’t” of its time. a pity

Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes 2 (3DO)

Whoever said that sequels were never good was surely thinking of this Nintendo 64 game. In it, the toy soldiers (mainly known for their stellar appearances in Toy Story) dive into different missions tailored to their height. Unfortunately, the repetition of levels and the poor gameplay options made Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes 2 in a forgettable title that passed without pain or glory.

South Park Rally (Tantalus Media)

If a license was successful, it had to include a racing game. That mentality, so characteristic of a few years ago, led the characters in South Park to star in his own sports bet. However, unlike latest series titles, praised by both critics and players, the result of the Nintendo 64 experience was quite poor. In fact, it only takes 1 minute to see that we are not exaggerating at all.

Fuente: World of Longplays

And you, did you have the dubious honor of enjoying one of the worst Nintendo 64 games? Do you agree with our selection? Can you think of any other title that could integrate this selection? We read you in the comments.


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