Home Gaming A former Nintendo employee talks about the company’s long-standing relationship with EVO

A former Nintendo employee talks about the company’s long-standing relationship with EVO

A former Nintendo employee talks about the company’s long-standing relationship with EVO

Thanks to Nintendo Life we ​​have discovered a new chapter of our friends Kit & Krysta’s show in which they talk about Nintendo experiences in the EVOthe famous fighting game championship held every year in the United States.

You can take a look at the video below, and we leave you some quotes extracted from it by Kit:

We ended that meeting…we felt really good, and we went back and started to make it more formal…once we came in with that game, we really supported each other and it really became a multi-year relationship between Nintendo and EVO…

I was only there for a year… and then people at Nintendo said to me, “Wow, you’ve solved this thing”, “do you want to be the leader of this in the future?”, and I said, “Sure”. So I passed it along to someone at the Treehouse, who got into competitive play a lot, and I was really glad I wasn’t into that anymore. [risas].

So it’s one of those things where I don’t know why I got involved, but I’m glad I was able to get this thing sorted out and it didn’t blow up in our faces again.

Currently, Kit and Krysta no longer work at Nintendo, and the company no longer participates in EVO, which is now owned by Sony. Without a doubt, it is Curious to see how times changeTRUE?



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