Home Gaming Learn about the different Minecraft game modes and their differences

Learn about the different Minecraft game modes and their differences

Learn about the different Minecraft game modes and their differences

minecraft has made up one of the biggest phenomena on the internet, even leading the list of best-selling video games throughout history to this day. This successful construction and survival game contains different game modes and received its first stable version in 2011, since then it has starred in the content of numerous YouTube channels and is still being updated with new versions.

As would be expected, Minecraft is also available on Nintendo consoles, being for sale on both Nintendo Switch, Wii U and 3DS. However, the case of Nintendo 3DS is somewhat particular, since it is only available for the review of the New console due to stability and performance problems.

All Minecraft modes available

Of course, Minecraft is a game with infinite possibilities, and its game modes could not be less. Although the gameplay of the game is based on building blocks and survival in a randomly generated world, there is much more depth to its modes than it might seem.

survival mode

Learn about the different Minecraft game modes and their differences

The survival mode is the most “classic” and default game style, placing the player in a world in which they must survive and can gather materials. You will have a heart and hunger bar, you will be able to take damage and you will have to defend yourself against hostile enemies.

Although each player can forge their own game and play at their own pace or goals, the main objective of the survival mode is based on finding the End and defeating the dragon. Of course, it is not an easy task, and that is why we will have to arm ourselves to the teeth to be able to face this dragon.

Again, behind the dragon there is still a lot of content to discover and see in the title, including other bosses like the Wither or explore the cities of the End.

Creative way

Learn about the different Minecraft game modes and their differences

The creative mode is more focused towards building and experimenting, allowing you to play access to an infinity of resources that you can manage as you like, without limitations. You won’t have to worry about your health or hunger bar: you’re invulnerable, plus you can instantly break any block. In addition, this mode will allow you to fly and explore the map at your leisure.

In summary, is the perfect way to put your creativity to the testand the game will provide you with tools such as command blocks or eggs that automatically generate entities.

adventure mode

Learn about the different Minecraft game modes and their differences

The adventure mode is aimed at community created maps, where you will not be allowed to destroy or place blocks. The player will only be able to press and activate buttons and levers, as well as interact with entities, but the basic mechanics of the game will be at the mercy of the designer.

spectator mode

The spectator mode revolves around the idea of ​​being able to observe the world freely, being able to fly and pass through all kinds of blocks and “possess” entities to place us in their vision. Nevertheless, this functionality is still under development for the Bedrock edition of the game, in which the Nintendo Switch version is included

Java Exclusive: Extreme Mode

The extreme mode is not available outside of the desktop Java version, so we will not be able to enjoy it on the hybrid console. In addition, it is not a game mode as such, since we are talking about a modification of the survival mode, but it is usually categorized as such.

In extreme mode, the player will be forced to play the game in survival mode on hard difficulty, but it doesn’t end there. If the player dies only once, the world will be erased and you will not be able to access it again. Only suitable for the most expert.

And with this, we would have reviewed all the game modes available in Minecraft, including the version for Nintendo Switch. Minecraft is a game with endless possibilities, and it’s hard to get tired of playing it. Do you prefer survival or creative mode? We read you in the comments!


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