Home Gaming Pokémon Sword and Shield type table, everything you need to know

Pokémon Sword and Shield type table, everything you need to know

Pokémon Sword and Shield type table, everything you need to know

Several years have passed since the release of Pokémon Sword and Shield, the games belonging to the eighth generation of Pokémon. They went on the market in 2019 but surely you still have many secrets to discover in the Galar region, so today we are going to tell you everything about the pokemon sword and shield type table so that you are the best trainer of all.

Also, don’t miss the new rare and legendary Pokémon distribution events for Pokémon Sword and Shield. Surely you are interested!

About the types of Pokémon Sword and Shield

As you know, in the Pokémon games types are very important. There are many different types and these will be very significant, even decisive, when facing other trainers, Pokémon or in any battle.

Types have relationships with other types, that is, there are a series of strengths, weaknesses and immunities among all of them, and knowing what they are can give you a great advantage to win or to prepare a strategy.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Type Chart

Next we will explain the pokemon sword and shield type chartperformed by Rankedboostto find out what different types exist, which ones are more effective in different cases and which ones are weaker.

At first glance, the table may be a bit confusing, but don’t worry, we’ll try to explain everything. It is easier than it seems to be!

So that you can perfectly understand the table, you must take into account the following:

  • Top row: The kind you attack.
  • Left column: Type of the move you attack with.
  • x2: Indicates that the move is super effective and deals more damage.
  • x1: Indicates that it is a move with a normal effect and deals regular damage.
  • 0.5x: Indicates that it is not very effective and deals less damage.
  • 0x: Indicates that it has no effect, does not deal damage.

What you should know about the Pokémon Sword and Shield type table

As you can see, in Pokémon Sword and Shield there are a total of 18 different types. Each type has some strengths and weaknesses with other types, here we see it summarized:

  • Regular Type: It’s not especially strong against any type, but it is weak against Fighting-types.
  • Fighting Type: It is very effective against Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark, and Steel types. It is very weak against flying, psychic, and fairy types.
  • Flying Type: Very effective against Grass, Fighting, and Bug types. Very weak against electric, ice and rock.
  • Poison Type: Very effective against plant and fairy. Very weak against ground and psychic.
  • Earth Type: Very effective against Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock, and Steel types. Very weak against water, grass and ice.
  • Rock Type: Very effective against fire, ice, flying and bug. Very weak against water, grass, fighting, ground and steel.
  • Bug Type: Strong against grass, psychic and sinister. Very weak against flying, rock and fire.
  • Ghost Type: Strong against psychic and ghost. Weak against ghost and sinister.
  • Steel Type: Effective against ice, rock and fairy. Weak against Fire, Fighting, and Ground.
  • fire type: Effective against grass, ice, bug and steel. Weak against water, earth and rock.
  • Water Type: Effective against fire, earth and rock. Weak against grass and electric.
  • Plant Type: Strong against water, dirt and rock. Weak against fire, ice, poison, flying and bug.
  • Electric Type: Strong against water and flying. Weak against ground type.
  • Psychic Type: Strong against fighting and poison. Weak against bug, ghost and sinister.
  • Ice Type: Strong against grass, ground, flying and dragon. Weak against Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel.
  • Dragon type: Strong against dragon. Weak against ice, dragon and fairy.
  • Sinister Type: Strong against psychic and ghost. Weak against ice, dragon and fairy.
  • Fairy Type: Strong against fighting, dragon and sinister. Weak against poison and steel.

More things to consider

This is the most fundamental thing you need to know to become the strongest trainer in Galar. But there are other aspects that you should also take into account:

  • The movements super effective do double damage weak half.
  • Some moves don’t hurt depending on the type, that is, some types are immune to attacks of another type, for example, psychic vs. dark.

You should also keep in mind that in Pokémon there are double type, Pokémon that have up to two types. What happens in these cases? If the move used is effective against both of the opponent’s types, it deals quadruple damage, and if it’s weak against both, it deals only a quarter.

As you can see, becoming the best coach in Galar is not an easy task. You must take into account the different types when strategizing or in any battle if you want to win. If you still want to know more about these games, here you go the complete analysis of Pokémon Sword and Shield for Nintendo Switch.

What do you thing about all this? What are your favorite types when it comes to fighting? Leave us your thoughts in the comments and we hope this type table can help you on your adventure!


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