Home Gaming Super Mario Maker 2 player creates a complete remix of the original Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Maker 2 player creates a complete remix of the original Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Maker 2 player creates a complete remix of the original Super Mario Bros.

Here comes an interesting announcement related to one of the most outstanding games in the Nintendo Switch catalog. We are talking in this case about Super Mario Maker 2.

In the text that we leave you below, you can know the details of a great remix world of the Super Mario Bros. original. It has been created by the user MetroidMike64, known for creating the popular Super Mario Bros. 5 within Super Mario Maker 2.

This remix game includes levels from the original game, Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels, and Super Mario Bros. Deluxe from Gameboy Color! These are the IDs for this project and for Super Mario Bros. 5:

  • Super Mario Bros. 5: 0G9-XN4-FNF
  • Super Mario Bros. Remix: 90V-9C9-3PF

And these videos show us:

What do you think? If you are interested, you can take a look at our full coverage of the title at this link.


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